Girl who pushed her friend off 60ft bridge cries as she is sentenced to just two days in prison

Taylor Smith broke down in tears in court after she was sentenced to just two days in jail for shoving her best friend off an 18-metre high bridge.

Taylor, 19, pushed her friend Jordan Holgerson, 17, off the bridge back in August 2018, leaving her with punctured lungs and six broken ribs.

In a viral video, Jordan is seen standing at the edge of a bridge that spanned a popular swimming spot. She intended to jump off the bridge but hesitated. She then changed her mind about taking the jump before Taylor pushed her.

Tearful Taylor Smith, 19, was led from court in Vancouver, Washington, in cuffs after being sentenced over the August 2018 push that left her friend Jordan Holgerson with severe injuries.

Taylor, who expressed remorse for the "pain and humiliation" that her former friend had suffered, had hoped to avoid jail after pleading guilty to reckless endangerment earlier this month.

But overruling a plea deal struck with prosecutors, Judge Darvin J Zimmerman sided with the victim’s mum who had begged him to send her to prison. He ruled that Taylor spend two days in custody and 38 days on an unpaid work crew.


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