Bearded woman who feared she would never find love gets married in a Christian-Satanist ceremony

Little Bear Schwarz feared she would never get married because of her beard. But after she took to Facebook to write about her fears, a man reached out to her and asked her out.

Back in June 2017, Little Bear posted about her fears on Facebook. Then a man named Tobias Bradick, 45, reached out to her. Now, the pair have married in a Christian-Satanist ceremony to celebrate both their religions, near Little Bear’s home in Tacoma, Washington, USA.

The pair first met through an online polyamory group in 2014 but it wasn’t until the Facebook post in 2017 that they started to see each other as more than friends.

Little Bear, 36, has polycystic ovary syndrome since she was 14 – a condition affecting fertility and often causing weight gain and excessive body hair, including on her face – and she was worried that she would never meet someone who would see beyond her beard.

Little Bear said:
I’d had relationships in the past, but they all fell apart, so I was feeling pretty low.

I was worried that I’d never be able to find a person who could see past my beard.

So I wrote a post on Facebook and then an hour later I got a message from Tobias saying that he hoped it didn’t come across as too opportunistic, but he would love to take me out.

Quickly falling in love, a year later the couple were engaged and on February 24 this year they tied the knot in front of 40 friends and family at a special venue for ex-military personnel.

She continued:

Tobias is a Satanist whereas I am a Christian, which might sound like we are at odds with one another.

But really, we have the same ethical codes – we just express them through different means.

But their relationship is far from conventional. They are polyamorous, meaning they can have relationships with other people, but they are also very much devoted to each other.

Little Bear said:

In the same way that you can love several of your children or friends, Tobias and I believe that you can be in love with multiple partners.

But that doesn’t at all detract from the love I feel for him. Really, he’s the first man that I have felt totally comfortable with, who loves me for the person I am – beard and all.


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