Sweet boy bought roses for every single girl in his class so no one would be left without a Valentine's Day gift

A sweet 8-year-old boy used his pocket money to buy roses for every single girl in his class because he didn't want any one of them to be left out on the special day.

Callum Drew, eight, bought 68 roses for all the girls so that they would have something to open yesterday.

For the past few years, Callum has made it a habit to give out flowers at Lacey Gardens School in Louth, Lincolnshire, from his grandmother’s shop. Sadly, his grandmother died earlier this year, but Callum wanted to keep up the tradition so he used money raised from washing cars to buy his classmates silk Valentine's Day roses.

He said:

I just wanted to get some flowers for the girls in year four as I don’t want them to feel let down on Valentine’s Day.

I will go around every class and give them their present. I have done it before for the last four years. The girls jump on me and scream because they are happy.

Though he's giving every girl flowers, Callum’s biggest gift is being reserved for his girlfriend. The sweet boy says his girlfriend is okay with him treating all the other girls despite it being their first Valentine’s Day together

Callum’s mum, Stacey says she is incredibly proud of her son for his consideration for other people’s feelings.

She said:

He’s been doing it for four years, he started out with just his class but now he gives roses to every girl in his year – he says that no girl should be left out.

He’s also saved up and got a present for his girlfriend.

This year is a bit different. He normally helped his grandmother in the flower shop to earn the money but she died last year – this year he has decided to wash cars.

He has washed about ten cars and has a couple more booked in. He was outside from 9.30am until 4.30pm and even then I had to drag him in as it was getting dark.

I’m really proud of him. He hates the attention from the girls. Last year when he gave them the roses they all started screaming and piled on him.


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